Grammar, punctuation and editing workshops

Our workshops provide a lively forum for discussing the fundamentals of English grammar and the benefits of communicating clearly. Participants leave inspired by the advantages of mastering language tools and equipped with a practical set of guidelines to apply as soon as they return to their desks.

Grammar, punctuation and editing workshops

In a typical workshop on the fundamentals of punctuation and grammar, we:

  • discuss the pitfalls of punctuation and grammar that arise in participants’ own documents
  • consider grammar rules from prescriptive to descriptive ends of the spectrum
  • provide proofreading and editing checklists
  • consider email etiquette and the changing application of some language rules
  • emphasise the importance of applying your organisation’s style guide, if there is one.

Participants leave with more confidence in their language skills and with a greater commitment to applying the rules consistently.

0413 585 111